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June 2018

Here’s What’s Bruin

By Newsletters

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Dear Parents of Mountain View High School,

I was able to attend a Latinos In Action conference this week.  It is always so fulfilling to see young men and young women, many of them Bruins, participate in service organizations.  Serving others is a great way for students to learn valuable lessons of life.  Thanks to our Latinos In Action advisor, Mrs. Laura Green and all of her students!

Also, we had a very successful Make-A-Wish Week and raised nearly $6000 (projected) of our $7000 goal to help send Emi (our Make-A-Wish recipient) to Disneyworld – a dream or wish of hers.  Thank you Student Council, students and parents for all the fun, support, and money.  Hopefully we’ll get a little bit more than it looks like we’ll get.

Here’s What’s Bruin,

1)      Arena Scheduling opens for next year’s Sophomore Class today, Monday, March 25 @ 1:45 p.m.  Counselors will be at both junior highs from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. for any students who need help. You may access Skyward with the student’s log-in at home or at school.  Make sure you have 8 classes in both Semesters.

2)      The Life Skills class participated in the ABC Unified Basketball Tournament last week. The team had a blast. They demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and played well as a team. The support of our peer tutors was invaluable. The peer tutors made sure that all of the team members had a chance to play and were included. Every student who played had a wonderful time and felt part of the team. And to top it all off, they defeated Westlake in the championship game and came away with FIRST place. These boys played hard and had a wonderful time. Team Members: Cameron Eady, Jacob Brittain, Bryce Dellaripa, Gavin Jacobs, Skyler Sun, Ryan Stephenson, and James Ward.  See photo.

3)      FFA members competed at State FFA Convention in Logan last week where 11 students from Mountain View attended and competed. FFA Bruins worked hard and represented us well in some very competitive contests this year. Please congratulate the following on their accomplishments:  Jackson George – Landscape Management Proficiency State Winner – will represent Utah at Nationals and 2nd Runner-up – Star State Greenhand in Agribusiness, Kanesha Cobbley – 1 of 9 students selected from the state to serve on the Nominating Committee, who select the State FFA Officers for the year.  Agriscience Fair Competitors: Elyda Allen & Morgan Hatch, Deseret Crane, Jackson George & Quin Wirthlin, Radi Stafford & Bryson Greenwood, Serin Leary, Ellie Allen, Toft Olander, and Mariana Andersen.

4)      Mock Trial had two competitions this week.  We had two teams, both made it to the quarter finals of the state.  In the quarter finals one team won (yea!!) and one team lost.  On Friday the semi-finals were held and MVHS, sadly, lost.  Having two of the top eight teams in the state is great work.  All participants from both teams should be congratulated: Melodie Adams, Zane Colter, Jonathan Hyatt, Leah O’Barr, Hope Bates, Grace Eyestone, Emma Hyatt, and Elizabeth Vogel, and advised by the famous Mr. David Carpenter.

5)      Seniors and Parents, we have a list of names for diplomas handed out after graduation. Please remind your seniors to come to the counseling office to look at the list and make sure their name is on the list and is spelled correctly. Once we send the list to Jostens, it is very hard to get diplomas reprinted if there are errors, so please come and check the list this week!

6)      Juniors and parents — Our Utah State University Campus Tour will be on Wed. Mar. 27. Students can reserve a spot by returning a signed permission slip to the Counseling Center. Junior English teachers, Mrs. Sanders, and Mrs. Blanchard have permission slips to hand out. A reminder — we want every single junior to attend at least one campus tour, and this is one of only two left! Sign up ASAP.

7)      Thank you Tyler Anderson and MVHS Athletic Director Change:

Tyler Anderson has been our lead Athletic Director since arriving here at MVHS in August of 2016 when he also accepted a teaching position and became our Head Football Coach. He’s managed all responsibilities of his coaching, teaching, supervising, and AD roles very well. Under his leadership our football team has grown in participation numbers and we’ve qualified two consecutive years for the state playoffs!

For the upcoming 2019-2020 school year Tyler will continue coaching our football team and he will return full-time to the classroom. As a result of his increased teaching schedule, he will hand off his AD responsibilities to Jordan Blanchard and Chad Blevins.

Thank you Tyler for your dedication to MVHS Athletics and welcome Jordan and Chad to the Athletic Director position!!

8)      This summer, Code to Success will be hosting a 6-week code camp to help high school students learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.  These languages are most often used in Web Development, and courses like this typically cost thousands of dollars.  However, Code to Success is offering the course to high school students absolutely free!  The course lasts from June 10 – July 19, with a parent information meeting on Thursday, March 28 at 6:00PM.  For more information, please see the attached flyer or contact Audra Yocom at [email protected].

Calendar items

Monday 25th                       B Day

Tuesday 26th                       A Day

Wednesday 27th                B Day

Thursday 28th                     A Day

Friday 29th                           B Day – Assemble Schedule – Election Assembly

Red and Gold Week

March 25                             Registration for Next Year’s Sophomores @LKJH and OJH

March 25                             Boys Soccer Lehi @ MVHS

March 25                             Softball MVHS @ Provo

March 25                             Baseball Wasatch @MVHS

March 25                             Latino Parent Night

March 26                             Boys Tennis MVHS @ Payson

March 26                             Softball Lehi @ MVHS

March 27                             Girls Golf MVHS vs. Orem @ Sleepy Ridge

March 27                             USU Campus Tour

March 27                             Track MVHS @ Orem

March 27                             Boys Soccer MVHS @ Orem

March 28                             Baseball Grantsville @ MVHS

March 28                             Boys Tennis Uintah @ MVHS

March 28                             Softball MVHS @ Payson

March 29                             Boys Tennis Provo Tournament @ Provo

March 29                             Boys Soccer Salem Hills @ MVHS

March 29                             Election Assembly 2nd Period

March 30                             Track UVU Invitational

Reminder:  Spring Break is coming up from April 1 – April 5.

David H. Smith

Principal, MVHS

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